About Us 02


On The Market
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About Us

Our company has many Years of experience and specializes in manufacturing, salling, serviceing and reparing cardan shafts (cardans) for various vehicies technological equipment,Tractors, Special machinery and agricultural machinery of various domestic and foreign manfacturess fot more infromation please click the button. We inform our upcoming work.
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Quality service for Industry projects and Automative service.

Our Work Process

  • 01. Discover
  • 02. Build
  • 03. Connent
  • 04. Lanch
People with ideas and experience to develop a vision for the future. We are integrated engineering company composed of a group of agile and experienced engineers skilled in different scopes of engineering work Assured plant availability and operational security.
  • ideas
  • experience
  • develop
  • skilled
People with ideas and experience to develop a vision for the future. We are integrated engineering company composed of a group of agile and experienced engineers skilled in different scopes of engineering work Assured plant availability and operational security.
  • ideas
  • experience
  • develop
  • skilled
People with ideas and experience to develop a vision for the future. We are integrated engineering company composed of a group of agile and experienced engineers skilled in different scopes of engineering work Assured plant availability and operational security.
  • ideas
  • experience
  • develop
  • skilled
People with ideas and experience to develop a vision for the future. We are integrated engineering company composed of a group of agile and experienced engineers skilled in different scopes of engineering work Assured plant availability and operational security.
  • ideas
  • experience
  • develop
  • skilled
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What we achived

Check Our History


Initial Start Industry

The Tectxon was founded in Los Angeles, USA. The company was initially set up with one binding and 10 workers in the USA.

Merge with Excepteur

The Tectxon was founded in Los Angeles, USA. The company was initially set up with one binding and 10 workers in the USA.

Beginning New ERA

The Tectxon was founded in Los Angeles, USA. The company was initially set up with one binding and 10 workers in the USA.


We have completed all kinds of projects concerning constructions, mechanics, etc.


Customers are always satisfied with our services and serving quality.


These awards are what we earned from what we have done for our clients.


Our branches scatter around the world and are present in more than 120 countries.

Some FAQ’s

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    Każdy zrealizowany przez nas projekt posiada dwa indywidualne miejsca parkingowe.
    W związku z tym, że to deweloper wydaje dyspozycje co do środków pieniężnych, które zostały na ten rachunek wpłacone, po stronie powierzającego powstaje ryzyko, że środki mogą zostać wykorzystane w sposób sprzeczny z umową powierniczą. Zabezpieczeniem interesów powierzającego przed takim ryzykiem są regulacje zawarte w art. 59 ust. 4 – 6 Prawa bankowego.
    Ustawą deweloperska ustala nowe standardy nabywania inwestycji mieszkaniowych, nakładając wiele obowiązków na deweloperów w celu ochrony ich klientów. Jednym z kluczowych rozwiązań prowadzonych przez ustawę jest obowiązek otwierania w bankach przez deweloperów mieszkaniowych rachunków powierniczych dla realizowanych inwestycji deweloperskich. Rachunek powierniczy odnajdujemy w art. 59 ustawy Prawo bankowe. Jest to szczególny rodzaj rachunku bankowego i dlatego w ...


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